Soccer players are athletes who are characterized by a large expenditure of energy during matches and training sessions, which is why part of their training and education consists of implementing an adequate diet according to the demands and characteristics of the athlete. This is so you can avoid problems and even improve the physical conditions as well as enhance its characteristics and qualities.

In a game, an average player covers between 5 to 7 miles and this generates a great loss of energy, if we add to this the starts, sprints and jumps, among others, we observe an enormous expenditure of glycogen, which increases the appearance of the fatigue in the player, which is why before and after the matches it is advisable to consume foods rich in glycogen such as rice, bread and bananas among many others.

The training, in turn, involves a great physical effort that varies depending on the duration, intensity and even the position from which you train, a winger tends to run more or a central defender or goalkeeper to jump more, for example, these generate a high demand for carbohydrates, in this way foods rich in carbohydrates such as pasta or fruit help the player to replenish lost energy and also help a faster physical recovery.

Another fundamental factor is hydration and is that poor hydration negatively affects speed, ability, decision-making and resistance, among others, which is why correct maintenance of hydration is essential, either through water or preferably isotonic drinks that stand out because, in addition to their ability to replenish salts and fluids, they provide energy and with this, tiredness or fatigue is reduced and energy is replenished.

Nutrition is a fundamental part of the development of the player and clearly marks the differences, which is why both the teams and the representatives of the players place a special interest in a correct diet for the athlete in order to increase their performance as well as to keep healthy and thus avoid physical problems such as injuries and it is proven that with a better diet players are less prone to injuries and notice less fatigue after games or training sessions, which directly influences their game and that of the team.