When a child begins to be interested in soccer, a series of stages are generally adopted, which, determined by the age of the player, are intended for them to enjoy and develop both technically and tactically to reach their highest level. These stages are known as Initiation, Development and Performance.

The initiation phase, which would be from 5 to 13 years of age, this is the stage where the player gets to know the sport. In this stage the player is learning the foundation of the sport as well as enjoying their time on the field and forming a passion for the sport. This sport will also allow the child to get involved with their peers, avoiding as far as possible the competitiveness of professionals.

The development phase covers from from 14 to 17 years of age, in this phase, unlike the previous one, great emphasis is placed both on perfecting the technique acquired in the previous phase and on implementing the tactics to these players (offensive and defensive positioning, etc.) as well as the specialization by positions developing physical capacities of the position such as speed, resistance, strength or flexibility among others, in this phase there begins to be competition both at the level internally to earn a position as a starter and externally in which you begin to aspire to achieve victories and trophies.

With this we arrive at the last phase, that of performance, this covers from the third year youth what would be the adult stage of the player, this stage is the most competitive of the three since many seek to achieve the dream of being professionals of the sport that they have been practicing all their lives and, thanks to the previous stages, has allowed them to reach a high level in various aspects of the game. Therefore, to try to achieve this, all the knowledge acquired in the previous phases will be enhanced, providing them with a great competitiveness of fighting for titles or league promotions.

A great performance by the players, although it has positive consequences at the individual level, such as better contracts, new teams or sponsorships, all of which are promoted by soccer representatives, also has positive consequences for the team since promotion or winning titles generates income, which are directly invested in improving, whether it is an improvement of the facilities for all categories (soccer schools) which encourages an increase in the development of the players as well as improvements in the economic field for the players.