«Javier» Benítez

«Javier» Benítez is a top athlete who can play as a midfielder, inside and even as a striker. He is right-handed but has a very powerful left foot. Trained at the Club Deportivo Lourdes.

Basic information

A sportsman with an athletic build, 1.76 cm for 63 kilos. Ambidextrous. Technical.


Javier Benítez Alonso. Born in Tudela (Navarra) in 2006. 


He is an organizing midfielder, that could occupy offensive demarcations and interiors with big goal scorer potential.

Training and current team

Trained at Club Deportivo Lourdes and Club Tudelano. He currently plays in two categories: cadet and youth at Club Deportivo Lourdes.

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Javier Benítez

An organizing midfielder and vocation striker

Javier is a player who organizes the team, with great vision of the game and at the slightest opportunity, he goes on the attack.

Javier Benítez

Create, attack and have your team play

Very versatile player in the field, since he can play as a midfielder, inside and even as a center forward. He is right handed but has a golden left. At the slightest opportunity, he goes on the attack and acts as a striker.

Javier in numbers

«Competing with oneself is the engine of change and personal improvement. The most intelligent ones also take advantage of synergies to learn and continue growing.»


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