Being a football coach…

Its main task is to train and educate players in sports and in the human. We are representatives of soccer coaches. We are Xpoerts Xperts.

Being a Trainer…

The multiple functions of the coach play a determining role in the training processes of the players. Being a coach should be a great privilege, which should imply a behavior that requires preparation, dedication and personal effort. Responsibilities must be assumed, knowing that the sporting and even personal and cognitive future of the children depends on their work at the base; always with the pressure of the parents on their work. The coach is expected to know how to stimulate by offering playful-educational activities, lead the group without having preferences among his players and to know how to adequately motivate the group. The definition of the coach, according to FIFA, would be: “The coach is the person who is in charge of training, directing, advising, correcting, helping the Players, through training, preparing them for life and for good sports performance. The coach is a specialist in technical and tactical management, in the psychological and physical development of the player. Their tasks can be expanded, depending on their skills.”

A coach…

Training implies a great responsibility, since due to the position they occupy, they are always carefully observed; their behavior, vocabulary, and even their gestures will be the focus of attention; You are a coach at all times, during and after sporting events, within the sports club and also outside it; That is why everything the coach does is considered as a message and as model behavior by his athletes, hence they must be a role model.

A coach must understand sport as a pedagogical opportunity, in such a way that, apart from strengthening sports habits, they are concerned with the education of their athletes, the most important thing for them is to believe in the person they are coaching and not personal recognition for sporting achievements; respecting the player personally and in sports. In this order of ideas, it is necessary to keep in mind that the young athlete is the center of interest of the coach-educator, whose main and essential mission is to guarantee their integral development, covering the fields: sports, social, psychological and educational.

The coach must know exactly what they want to transmit to their athletes and must instill in both them and their parents that successes and defeats do not represent anything compared to what football can transmit in terms of human and social values, which will contribute to the formation of the future citizen, as well as their insertion in society. Soccer can be a valuable tool to incorporate values ​​such as solidarity, mutual aid, sharing, respect among others, it all depends on the preparation and integrity of the coach.


Con la claridad del concepto y el papel activo del entrenador en el proceso de formación del deportista se sintetizan las características más importantes que debe tener un formador de fútbol base: Pasión por transmitir, el entrenador debe tener vocación. Promover el deporte como un medio para el desarrollo inteligente y racional del organismo. Tener una conducta ejemplar con sus compañeros profesionales, árbitros, padres y jugadores. Poseer importantes valores y que por ello pueda ser un modelo a seguir por sus deportistas. Adecuar el deporte e implementar una metodología de trabajo acorde a el desarrollo físico y psicológico de los jugadores. Saber transmitir a sus deportistas desde la etapa de iniciación una educación deportiva cuya base sea el respeto a las reglas, a los demás y el juego limpio. Tener amplio conocimiento de los medios, métodos, principios y estilos de entrenamiento orientado a las edades infantiles, para su adecuada aplicación. Saber escuchar, estando atento no solo a los éxitos, sino también al problema que se pudiere presentar, mantener constante comunicación con sus deportistas, dándole confianza y seguridad. Generar en los niños-deportistas una mentalidad basada en el placer de jugar y la voluntad de progresar y no en el ganar títulos a toda costa.

We represent Soccer Coaches

Xports Xperts has highly qualified professionals in all areas, integrated into the organization chart of the company, we make available to our clients who will resolve any incident that may occur during the contractual relationship, which guarantees a responsible and honest action based personal attention and continuous monitoring, acting in accordance with the law for coaches’ agents, in addition to rigorously complying with the rules of sports associations.


Level 1, 2 and 3 Trainers

$ 9 .99

monthly – $119.88 per year

  • Legal representation
  • Technical advice
  • Associate agent contract
  • Access to player portfolio
  • Personal website
  • Search for sponsors and brands


Level 2 and 3 Trainers

$ 15 .99 $ 12 .99

monthly – $155.88 per year

  • Representation contract
  • Technical team plus
  • Collaborator XportsXperts
  • Player base
  • Personal web space
  • Personal marketing


Level 3 Trainers

$ 19 .99

monthly – $239.88 per year

  • International representation
  • Global technical support
  • Top Agent XportsXperts
  • DB players
  • Personal web space
  • Personal marketing