Sports Marketing has developed in recent years, to become one of the most important due to the number of consumers it currently has. It is a branch of marketing that focuses both on the promotion of sporting events and teams, as well as the promotion of other products and services through events, competitions, players and sports teams.

The objective is to provide the client with strategies to promote the sport in question or to promote something other than sport, but through a sports discipline. In this branch of marketing you can promote a physical object or a brand. This type is placed within the entertainment industry, ranking even higher than the music industry.

The success of sports as a viewing platform is the maximum media exposure it gets: every time you watch a soccer match you can find advertising on billboards, player jerseys, in commercial breaks, in the post game analysis and even at the start.

Sports has practically become an industry, generating billions of dollars every year. This includes infrastructure construction, product licensing, and live sporting events. The sports industry in the United States is only twice the size of the auto industry and seven times the movie industry.

The roots of sports marketing in the United States can be traced back to the 1860s, when many businesses, noticing the popularity of sports, tried to create leagues to improve their business opportunities. After a time of certain problems and new legislation to regulate how sports were carried out, in 1920 sports had a new ally in a newly created medium: radio. Through it, marketers of the time, sports administrators and others sought to integrate sports into their broadcasts. Decades later, television gave sports a new way to expand their market presence and a new way for marketers to reach their audiences.

In the 1970s, this tendency to take advantage of the media grew, the idea that athletes could promote products began to take hold, with Nike, Adidas and Puma being the ones that took advantage of this trend the most. From the 1980s to our time, sponsorship of figures began to grow exponentially, with even small-time athletes winning contracts that forced them to express their preference for certain products.

In recent years, sports marketing has continued to grow. In the age of Social Media, more and more people watch the broadcasts through digital media, in addition to sharing the results with their friends and family through these social platforms. The increased amount of technology has created a more audience-centric universe, which requires sports marketers to develop an audience-focused framework to overcome all kinds of challenges when doing digital marketing.

XportsXperts premium

queremos ser tu representante de futbol juvenil,
What does the Xports Xperts Premium formula offer?

We offer you the possibility of living a great experience. You can sign a legal contract with our agency, through which we will represent you in the world of soccer, accompanying you on your way to becoming a professional athlete. 

In addition, we will carry out a complete study of your sports skills, carried out by professionals, who will advise you on your areas of improvement. With this data, we will create a personalized file and monitor your evolution.

What annual price does this option have?

All professional services included in this formula have a final price of $228 per year. They include legal, sports, technical and marketing advice. Without a doubt, we are the best complement to your career.

Why should you buy Premium?

We want to always be by your side and we will work to give you all the facilities you need to achieve your great goal, from looking for a team in the division and category that fits your sporting quality to legal advice on any problem.

In addition, XportsXperts offers you a large number of services, advantages and opportunities to become a professional soccer player.